Welcome back to UHC Day Updates, your one-stop shop for news and resources to help you prepare for UHC Day on 12 December 2023.
In this issue, explore the UHC Day theme and ways to get involved on 12.12.23, learn about the outcomes of the September UN High-Level Meeting on UHC, and find resources to help you plan your UHC Day campaign.
Register today for the UHC Day 2023 virtual launch partner call on 18 October at 8:00 AM ET / 12:00 PM GMT.
UHC Day 2023 virtual launch
The theme for UHC Day 2023 is “Health for All: Time for Action.” The theme emphasizes the need for immediate and tangible steps following the 2023 Political Declaration on UHC and urges leaders to enact policies that guarantee equitable access to essential health services.
Register today for the UHC Day 2023 virtual launch partner call on 18 October at 8:00 AM ET / 12:00 PM GMT. During the partner call, we will share the 2023 UHC Day campaign toolkit, discuss what campaigners can do to help translate the Political Declaration on UHC into concrete commitments, and share best practices and strategies to make this 10th UHC Day count.
Share your plans for UHC Day with us today, so they can be featured on the UHC Day global activity map.
UN High-Level Meeting on UHC
On 21 September 2023, heads of state and government convened at the United Nations General Assembly for the High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage, Expanding Our Ambition for Health and Well-Being in a Post-COVID World, where they approved the Political Declaration on UHC and re-committed to making health for all a reality by 2030.
During the meeting, Member States unanimously recognized that UHC is fundamental to achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals, including those related to poverty eradication, access to education, gender equality, climate change, and building peaceful and inclusive societies. They also reaffirmed that the way forward to making progress towards UHC must be based on a people-centred primary health care approach. For details, please read UHC2030’s post High-Level Meeting newsletter.
Resources to support frontline campaigners
With just two months until UHC Day, we’re here to help you develop your UHC Day campaign. You can use our guide, A Frontline Campaigner’s Guide to Planning and Mobilizing Resources for Universal Health Coverage Day, to help you:
Develop the format of your activity
Find resources, including funding opportunities, to build your campaign
Understand the language of mobilization
Assess and communicate your campaign’s impact
The guide is available in English, Spanish and French.